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Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Son of Dork
The Killers

Webmaster Tsaress
Version 2
Layout by Tsaress
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Title: Is it Written
Fandom Son of Dork
Pairing: James/Chris
Rating: 18 In later parts not sure how long it’s going to be yet.
Disclaimer: Yeah we want to see them do bad things to each other we can but wish.

Part 1

James had been staring at the blank piece of paper for some time now and still could not form any words. He picked up his guitar and plucked at the strings trying to let the music float over him. It normally worked he would write some music then the words would come easy. This time it was different though he just could not get any words out at all. What did he write about he didn’t know.
The next 2 hours brought 10 pages screwed up into balls and thrown into different corners of the room each with about a line on each.
James had been swearing for sometime and was about to scream when a knock came to his door.
It was Chris James smiled glad of a friendly face.
Chris smiled as he looked around James’s messy room
“Nice to see you tidied up there James.” Chris pushed some things off the bed so he could sit down.
“I thought I would come in and see how the writing is going?” He tried to smile as he saw all the discarded paper around the room.
“It’s not going to good the words are just not going to me like they normally do. I don’t know what’s up.”
“Maybe you need a bit of a break. I was thinking we could go for a few drinks. You know you’ve been stuck inside way too much lately it’s just not like you.”
Chris got up and made his way over to James helping him out of his chair.
“Come on get ready?” James grabbed his jacket
“Please don’t tell me your wearing that.” Chris looked at James in disgust
“What’s wrong with it.” James said in a shocked voice
“You’ve been wearing those trousers for a week and when is the last time you changed your top? For that matter when did you last have a shower.”
James looked upset at Chris’s words “I shaved this morning!”
“Well I guess that’s ok then.” Chris laughed

Part 2

They had been in the club for a long time now and James was very very drunk but they we’re both having a good time. Neither of them were dancers but it was nice to sit down and chat together they didn’t seem to get the chance to do that much.
It was always the whole group together James missed his little chats with Chris.
It had been like old times and it was a shame that the night was coming to an end he could talk to Chris all night.
It was closing time at the club and they were both stood out in the cold waiting for a taxi when Chris noticed the photographer. James noticed as well they always seemed to find him when he was looking a mess.
James didn’t fancy standing around while they got more pictures of him being drunk so he started walking down the road. Chris had to run to catch up and it seemed the photographer was running after them as well. James ran around the corner and as Chris followed him he noticed that James was laid on the pavement.
“James are you ok.” Chris ran to help him up James turned around he was covered in mud it was in his hair all over his face.
Just as James got to his feet with the help from Chris the photographer came around the corner and started snapping away. James was trying to get the mud out of his eyes but as soon as he saw the photographer he ran at him.
“Why don’t you just off you. Take some pictures of someone else.” He tried to grab the camera off the photographer but Chris pulled him off him and dragged him to a near by taxi.
They were soon back to James flat. James was still covered in mud and not having much luck getting it off. Chris was trying no to laugh at James but it was very hard.
“Just think the mud is great for opening your pores. It’ll keep your skin youthful.” Chris giggled Jams gave him a really dirty look it was quite impossible for James to give a clean look at all.
“It’s not funny I’m going to be in the paper tomorrow looking a right dic.khead.” James sulked and sat down in the chair
“Come on James you really need to get a shower now.” Chris pushed James towards the bathroom. They were stood outside the bathroom door when James stopped and said in a childish voice “do I really have to.”
Chris turned James face towards him and looked into his eyes.
“Yes you do.” He wiped the mud from James lips and James smiled up at him.
Chris’s hands were cupping James face “you sure have a cute smile James even when you’re covered in mud.” They both laughed
Chris starred into James eyes Chris could not look away James eyes seemed to shine. James had beautiful eyes he wiped James lips again even though they was no mud there. James closed his eyes and that was when it happened. Chris kissed James and James didn’t move away he responded.

Part 3

Chris pressed into James holding him tight to him as James reached behind himself to open the bathroom door.
They seemed to fall into the room they broke they kiss so Chris could shut and locked the door behind him.
James was breathing deeply as Chris grabbed hold of his face and ran his hands through James muddy hair. James giggled as he took hold of Chris’s hands in his.
“Look now your all dirty.” he smiled at Chris
“James I’ve always been dirty” Chris said as he covered James’s muddy face with kisses.
“Dirty” James
“Yes very dirty.” Chris said as moved away from him and he smiled as he looked James up and down.
“I guess that means you need a shower as well after all your lips are all muddy now and so are your dirty little hands.”
They were soon fighting to remove each others clothes. James stood totally naked in the middle of the room as Chris turned on the shower and they waited for the water to warm up.
“Chris do you think this is a good idea.”
“You look beautiful.” Chris pull James into a tight embrace they kissed deeply.
Chris moved away from James and looked down at himself. “I guess I’m really dirty now as well. Do you want to stop we can if you want to.”
“No I don’t want to stop.” James smiled
Chris was stronger than he looked he lifted James with easy over the edge of the bath and placed him under the shower.
Chris took the soap in hand and with a evil grin on his face he said “I think you have a lot of things that need cleaning.”
James moaned as Chris made his way down James body strubbing and kissing the dirty away.

Part 4

Chris was sat up in bed starring down at the sleeping form of James curled up next to him. James’s hair was over his eyes Chris gentley moved it away. James turned over in his sleep and put his arm around Chris. Chris smiled down a James they had quite a wild night and Chris was shocked at the things that he had done and enjoyed he had a huge grin on his face.
Chris decided to go to the toilet he genteelly moved James over so he could get out of bed and then slipped on his clothes. He took a peep out of the door and when no sign of the crazy welsh blonde came he went to the bathroom.
On returning from the bathroom he could hear a guitar-playing coming from James room. He stepped into James room to find him not only dressed but also pencil in hand writing away.
James stopped his playing and turned to Chris “Alright mate I’ve got this great song in my head I just had to get it down on paper. You’re just going to love it.”
Chris moved over to James and put his hand on his shoulder and bent down to kiss him. Chris was shocked when James pulled away from him.
“I think I’m going to be busy writing all day I’ve just so many ideas in my head.”
“Oh ok I guess I better go back home Danny and Steve will be wondering where I am.” Chris said feeling very disheartened.
Chris made his way to the door James said “Thanks for a great night Chris it’s just what I need. A few drinks are always good.”
So that was all Chris was just a few drinks nothing more. Could James even remember what had happened? His heart was sinking it had been so much more for him and James just didn’t give a shit. He hadn’t felt this alive in a long time.
Chris made his way to his own flat and slammed the door on his way in.
“Chris is that you.” Steve poked his head out from the kitchen
“Yeah it’s me who did you think it was.”
“Ok Mr Grumpy have we got a hangover or something.” Steve said as he followed Chris into the front room. Chris fell into a near by chair and noticed that both Danny and Dave were both reading a trashy tabloid in front of them.
“What the fuck, did you guys get up to last night?” Dave looked at him
Chris heart jumped into his chest could they know what James and him had done in the bathroom and the front room and the kitchen and James’s bedroom. Damn the kitchen part was the best bit.
Danny thrust the newspaper into Chris hands there was James covered in mud and Chris standing behind him. Oh dear this wasn’t good this wasn’t good at all.